Beer, bikes and bad decisions

Bonesmend is a rider operated lifestyle brand, bringing in all aspects of two wheels into one package and slapping a sticker on it. Clothing that is up for a good time, handles spilt beer like a champ and even the worst decisions you can throw at it, oh and maybe on your bike.
The ideas for BM first came about during lockdown. Got bored and decided to
sort through a box of paperwork (as you do) and came across a sketch from ages ago in a rainy Les Gets hotel. Decided to crack out the sketchbook again, after ploughing through a few different versions Build More Trails was born! Took the leap and dropped the design on a trail group on facebook (shout out
to Trailbuilders UK) went down like a treat, turned it into stickers then used the cash raised from there to buy the first screen and a few tees. From the first batch of stickers everything has gone back into pushing BM further.
Massive thanks to everyone that's supported on the journey so far!
Keep it steezy!